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Friday, December 7, 2012

Health Tips for Teachers.

Henry Adams said, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” We have some excellent health tips for teachers, so they may continue to the do the great work they’re doing.

Teaching is indeed a noble and rewarding profession. It requires devotion, patience and a lot of sacrifice – all directed towards shaping future generations. It can also be a particularly stressful profession, as teachers are dealing with students with varying personalities everyday, not to mention being constantly monitored by their superiors and being compared with their peers.
As a thank you to all the wonderful teachers out there, we have some practical health tips that’ll help them stay mentally and physically fit, while continuing to do excellent work.



Health Tips for Teachers:

1. Learn to deal with stress. In India, most teachers handle classrooms that can have anywhere between 15 to 60 children! This can be extremely stressful and it’s important to recognise and deal with this stress. Every morning, try and take some time out to centre and calm your mind. You can do this through yoga or meditation. This will help you better deal with all the challenges the day throws up.

2. Share. Another way of dealing with work problems is by sharing them with your colleagues. Do not feel ashamed. They’ve probably gone through similar issues and can help you with solutions.

3. Create your personal goals. It’s easy to get caught up in completing the school curriculum. Take some time to create your own professional goals. This will help you stay focussed.


4. Get plenty of rest. If you’re in a profession that needs to you to wake up early and stay on your feet throughout, you cannot afford to skimp on your sleep. Avoid the temptation to correct answer papers late at night and make sure you sleep well.

5. Eat well, especially breakfast. A hearty and healthy breakfast and plenty of sleep will not only give you the energy to keep going through the day, it will also ensure you are cheerful and more equipped to handle any temperamental student that might come your way.

6. Wash your hands frequently. Schools, especially junior classes, can be a hotbed for passing on infections. One sick kid comes in and soon half the class, including the teacher, is down with the same thing. Keep yourself protected by washing your hands between classes or carrying hand sanitizer toward off germs.

7. Get comfortable shoes. You’re on your feet all day. Naturally, comfortable shoes that provide good support and cushioning become all-important.

8. Don’t work during your lunch hour. For your mental peace, use your lunch hour to eat well, catch up with colleagues or read or knit or do anything other than work.

9. Exercise regularly. The thing with exercise is that the more active you are, the more energy you’ll have. Make sure you take time out of your busy schedule to do at least 30 minutes of concerted exercise everyday.

10. Take a small break everyday. Many teachers suggest taking a few minutes for yourself at least once a day. Away from the students, principal, and most definitely away from any negative characters you might have in school. Just a few minutes for yourself, where you can take a deep breath, get rejuvenated and get back to teaching.

Teachers have Chalk Problems when writing on the Board.



 Coal, Chalk Dust, Talcum Powder, Saw Dust. (Irritant)
These triggers are in the form of "respirable particulates." They are tiny particles that are easily breathed in. For some people, these dusty triggers are a part of everyday work life. 

How to Avoid Problems :
It's especially hard to avoid your triggers if they are found at your job. Before you change jobs, try these suggestions: 

Use a respirator (or face mask) made for the job you are doing. 

If your employer does not give you one, you can buy one yourself. 

Look for a well-fitted dust mask approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration. 

 * If you are a teacher, consider using a white board with erasable markers instead of a chalkboard.